
De Noordelijke Rekenkamer (The Northern Audit Office) in short


De 'Noordelijke Rekenkamer' was established in 2005 due to transformations in the public sector. The main goal is to support the provincial representative body ('Provinciale Staten') and the provincial democracy in general, of the northern provinces DrentheFryslân and Groningen. More specifically the Noordelijke Rekenkamer aims at supporting the Provinciale Staten in meeting their constitutional responsibilities and at helping to improve the performance and accountability of the provincial (regional) government and the wider provincial democracy. 

De Noordelijke Rekenkamer is independent in its choice of audits. Focus of all audits is legality, effectiveness, and efficiency of provincial policies. Every four years the Rekenkamer composes a research programme.

The Noordelijke Rekenkamer Board consists of three members: mrs. Anneke Beukers (president), mr. Jan van der Bij and mr. Marko Bos (members). Mr. Linze Schaap is the CEO of the Noordelijke Rekenkamer, currently employing seven auditors, and from time to time external experts. Office manager, Mrs. Petri-Bezemer supports the Board as well as the staff.

If you have any questions de Noordelijke Rekenkamer, please do not hesitate contacting us. You can reach us by telephone (00 31) +592 30 47 90 and e-mail.